Channel: UNiCOMICS
Category: Gaming
Tags: ashlie9596raftinvisible davisfizzysodaraft the renovation updateunishootzkiraft with friendsraft updateraft funny momentsraft survivalraft sharksthe renovation updateraft multiplayerraft gameunicomicsraft gameplay
Description: We're back playing raft! because I want to and with two new people on a whole new save and everything! we find out a lot of revelations about how the world flooded, was it due to some crazy experiment? or was it due to the fact that Matt was using all the of GPUs for crypto and it melted everything? So it begins, AGAIN! | RAFT WITH FRIENDS ►►Subscribe and hit that Bell for more RAFT!► @UNiCOMICS ►Subscrible to these guys! Ashlie - @AshlieCeleste Shootzki - @Shootzki Fizzy - @FizzySoda_ Davis - @The Invisible Davis TWITTER ► #UNiCOMICS #raftwithfriends #Raft